Peanut and Banana Stuffed French Toast with Berries

Fancy something sweet for brunch, then why not try your favourite sandwiches peanut butter and banana of course! This is a great brunch for all the family to enjoy, as who does not like banana? Peanut butter? French toast? It’s a simple recipe that you can get the kids involved in making, its also a great recipe for your kids to eat which is a fulfilling and nutritious breakfast that won’t seem “healthy” but is a sneaky way of getting some fruit in if you have fussy eater. You can mix up those berries and include raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries or even cherries, they all work really well. Summer is a great time to be eating berries when they are in season and in such abundance. If you wanted to be really adventurous you could make up a compote to drizzle over the plate, by just warming some of the berries up in a saucepan just to they soften and there is still a few lumps in the compote. Also yoghurt can be added for that extra bit of protein and calcium that kids need, plus it tastes lovely with the berries!

Weekends are a perfect time to try and enjoy the most important meal of the day together as a family, as during the week there are very few families that would have the opportunity to eat breakfast together as we are all so busy trying to get out to work and school etc. I always make a point of planning one nice breakfast/brunch at the weekend for us to all sit round the table together and enjoy chats over a pot a tea or coffee. Its so easy nowadays to just reach for the cereal box for breakfast every day, so why not give this recipe a go and be a bit more creative at the weekends when you have time and enjoy something much nicer and more nutritious than a bowl of cereal or toast with marmalade on it!

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Gary Winters